Design and Facilitate Transformational Processes

for People - Teams - Organizations

Continual changes in our environment, work and lifestyles require corresponding adaptation and development. The complexity of new technologies, globalization effects, social media, cultural and political challenges requires immediate and responsible action in addition to well-considered decisions. What seemed to be a  'good' decision in the past does not guarantee stability in the future. 

Based on 30 years of experience we support individuals, teams, and organizations in their unique developmental journeys in these challenging times.

"The road to success is always under construction"

(Lilly Tomlin)


IGOR Services

Riding the waves of change in various contexts.

Individual Coaching

There are moments in a career in which professional Coaching can facilitate a necessary and useful space for reflection. When you find yourself in a situation like a new leadership or job function, work overload, dealing with challenging relationships, conflicts or cultural differences IGOR coaches can support you in exploring the full picture, discovering new perspectives and co-creating appropriate solutions.

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Team Development

Diverse personalities and competencies in a team can enable better performance of all the individuals, but can also create conflicts, blockages and non-productive states in the group. We offer Teambuilding Workshops with the goal to address both performance and relationships. Mindset and tools for our agile world are extremely useful for teams that want to increase transparency, focus, innovation and empowerment within their team culture.

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Organizational Development

Not only individuals mature. Organizations do as well. When a company shifts from a startup to a well-established entity with differenciated roles and structures, the pioneering motivation is often challenged. Today even huge firms no longer want to be well-oiled, hierarchical tankers, but agile speedboats. We can support you in designing and initiating these transformational processes with your leaders and teams.

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Process Management with Scrum/Agile

Professional support in improving work processes now and then reveals that the current difficulties are not so much caused by the employees or their training, but in the way the work processes are organized.
The focus of the Scrum framework is on the actual collaboration within a team and between teams. Scrum provides teams with tools to organize themselves and to sustainably improve speed, results and quality on a long-term basis.

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Gestalt approach About us

The Gestalt Approach

"Gestalt" is the German word for a "form" or a "coherent pattern perceived as a whole". The roots of the Gestalt Approach lie in psychology of perception, holism, field and system theory.
Since the Gestalt principles are applicable to  various areas of a system e.g.
- the intrapersonal level of each individual
- the relationship level between indviduals
- the level of a team or organization as a whole
 it is an excellent, holistic approach employing with developmental processes, which affect every member and structure of a system.
IGOR Approach toward Gestalt Organizational Development
We all have needs as well as dreams about improving our lifes and organizations. Many of us have ideas about which steps need to be taken or we even tried several times to implement them - but we still have the impressions of the lack of motivation,  movement or desired outcomes - IGOR will explore with you system-blockages and develop solutions to nuture appropriate energy for concrete progress.                                                                                                                                                                           


In the Survival Zone, all available energies are instantly mobilized. 

When our instincts signal that our life is in danger, the fight-flight-freeze response is an appropriate reaction to feeling overwhelmed by a sudden, out-of-control event. 

However, this useful survival tactic can mutate into a trauma. 

If the realization that the threatening moment has passed does not take place, all incoming data gradually become chronically perceived as life threatening. 

The person is caught in a victim-perpetrator-helper-triangle, which can lead to addiction or serious illness.


In moments of stress our body provides additional energy to address pressing challenges. Mobilizing for instant reaction is an effective defense mechanism but does not utilize deeper reflection, analysis, decision-making or planning. If the stress reactivity continues over a longer period, it can lead to somatic symptoms and eventually to a burnout.


The intention of the Comfort Zone is to feel safe in a familiar setting. When we rely on familiar, trusted habits and beliefs, our body rewards us with feelings of well-being. 

In order not to disturb these routines, which run on auto-pilot, the mind tends to avoid data that questions or contradicts them. This avoidance effect is reinforced by associating with people of a similar mindset and by pursuing activities in which we feel competent.

Polarities are “handled” by differentiating what is “good and bad” with an either-or-decision. 



In a zone of open-mindedness we can consciously cultivate various perspectives and even contradicting polarities without identifying with one side or the other and without needing to react. 

While in this relaxed mode, our attitude toward whatever happens in and around us is characterized by curiosity and an agile mindset. 

Especially in unfamiliar situations, this sense of adequate self-confidence enables us to enter the realm of potentialities and possibilities.



The ensuing mutable energy enables each of us to modify our behavior in accordance with internal and external changes. We can create a viable equilibrium in our lives. A healthy individual, fully present in his/her life, is equipped with an attitude of openness about what is happening as well as the capacity to set boundaries when more security is required.

  • Survival

    In the Survival Zone, all available energies are instantly mobilized. 

    When our instincts signal that our life is in danger, the fight-flight-freeze response is an appropriate reaction to feeling overwhelmed by a sudden, out-of-control event. 

    However, this useful survival tactic can mutate into a trauma. 

    If the realization that the threatening moment has passed does not take place, all incoming data gradually become chronically perceived as life threatening. 

    The person is caught in a victim-perpetrator-helper-triangle, which can lead to addiction or serious illness.

  • Stress

    In moments of stress our body provides additional energy to address pressing challenges. Mobilizing for instant reaction is an effective defense mechanism but does not utilize deeper reflection, analysis, decision-making or planning. If the stress reactivity continues over a longer period, it can lead to somatic symptoms and eventually to a burnout.

  • Habits

    The intention of the Comfort Zone is to feel safe in a familiar setting. When we rely on familiar, trusted habits and beliefs, our body rewards us with feelings of well-being. 

    In order not to disturb these routines, which run on auto-pilot, the mind tends to avoid data that questions or contradicts them. This avoidance effect is reinforced by associating with people of a similar mindset and by pursuing activities in which we feel competent.

    Polarities are “handled” by differentiating what is “good and bad” with an either-or-decision. 


  • Development

    In a zone of open-mindedness we can consciously cultivate various perspectives and even contradicting polarities without identifying with one side or the other and without needing to react. 

    While in this relaxed mode, our attitude toward whatever happens in and around us is characterized by curiosity and an agile mindset. 

    Especially in unfamiliar situations, this sense of adequate self-confidence enables us to enter the realm of potentialities and possibilities.


  • Energy

    The ensuing mutable energy enables each of us to modify our behavior in accordance with internal and external changes. We can create a viable equilibrium in our lives. A healthy individual, fully present in his/her life, is equipped with an attitude of openness about what is happening as well as the capacity to set boundaries when more security is required.

Practical examples

    Prepare for the new job


    Develop the first steps in your new role as a foundation for a successful, long-term perspective in a unfamiliar environment. Use this space for reflection with your coach to perceive and, if necessary, readjust your approach.

    Initiate feedback culture


    Ongoing, mutual feedback reinforces trust and efficiency in working relationships. The development of principles and ground-rules ensures an atmosphere of openness and respectful, honest interaction.
    A follow-up of the implementation experience is one of the elements supporting a feedback culture.

    Improve virtual Teamwork


    Working on the same project without meeting in person requires additional attention in order to ensure the necessary communication efforts. A kickoff at the start of a project or a meeting as soon as misunderstandings arise provides an opportunity to talk about co-operational needs and trust issues - virtually and/or personally.

    Mediate crossdepartmental conflicts


    In organizations classically divided into different functions and departments, a common understanding of objectives such as quality standards and efficiency may not be taken for granted. Arising differences and conflicts require a platform and often, external support for clarifying expectations and shared commitments.

    Cooperate across cultural differences


    In our globalized world, cooperation with people from other cultures is part of every-day business.
    Dealing with these differences and achieving common goals is often challenging. Expressing and understanding these differences may help to initiate a change of behavior on both sides, improving cooperation in general.

    The Team


    The "Institute for Gestalt ORganisational Development", IGOR, was founded by Eva Röttgers-Ferchland and Jürgen Ferchland in Frankfurt/Main, Germany in 1992.

    Focus of the work of IGOR are individual and organizational developmental and learning processes in an international-multicultural context. The range of IGOR's consulting work includes work on different levels of a system, f.e. coaching for individuals, facilitate team workshops as well as transformation efforts for business units and companies.

    Eva Röttgers-Ferchland

    Coach and OD Consultant

    Dipl.-Pädagogin with 30 years of professional experience as 'Change Agent'  as executive, supervisor, lecturer, therapist, coach and organizational consultant. Started 1985  as communication and leadership trainer and since 1990 as a coach for executives and as consultant in larger, international organizational development projects. As participation and empowerment of employees is one of the essentials of her OD work, around 2010 the rise of New Work settings, reduction of hierarchical layers and supporting an agile mindset added a whole new horizon.   Working languages: German and English.
    contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Jürgen Ferchland

    OD Consultant, Scrum@Scale Practitioner

    Jürgen Ferchland has been working as an external consultant for various private and public organizations since 1985. His expertise is managing change as well as Organization Development i.e. coaching, leadership, management-development, teambuilding and change-management. His focus on the human element of change is reflected in his “hand-tailored” approach to these tools.

    A few years ago he discovered that he completely satisfied the Scrum Master Study Requirements. Since finishing his training in this approach, he uses the Scrum framework for his consulting work whenever appropriate.

    His working-languages are German and English. Contact  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


      Institute for Gestalt Organizational Development
      Wolfsgangstr. 58
      D-60322 Frankfurt

      Contact IGOR